Take Me Out to the Ball Game.

Location: Leesburg, Virginia, United States

I like to think I'm eclectic, but I think that really means lazy. Perhaps I am. I do enjoy reading, lounging on the couch, woodworking, lounging on the couch with a beer, baseball(preferably with a beer), and reading while lounging on the couch. Yeah. Eclectic. See?

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Bonds, Giambi and the Press

How is one supposed to react to the breaking steroids story? After all, it's not really "breaking", is it? The whispers and accusations have been out there for years. It seems that many fans are just sadly accepting of the statements made to the grand jury by Mssrs. Bond and Giambi.

(By the the hell did that make the papers? For crying out loud...I thought grand jury testimony was supposed to be secret. <Okay, okay...I know.> I sometimes despise those who claim to bring us the news. This sanctimonious crap about the "public's right to know"? Well, I'm of the firm opinion that there are times when we, the public, have absolutely no right to know. It's just a meager excuse by the press to disdain privacy and legal rights.)

Yes, because of the drawn out periods of time, many apparently accept that it's okay to do anything to win. The public reacts with, "Tell me something I don't know." This is very disappointing. As a season ticket owner for the spanking new Washington Nationals, I am disheartened at the "so what?" attitude of the fans.

Obviously, panic in the streets is not what is needed. But a clear call for frequent testing and a lack of acceptance from the fan spending the cash should be sent. It's likely that many of our "non-star" regulars are users as well, and significant pain will be realized in calling everyone to task.

Time to hit bottom and start again, I think.


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