Take Me Out to the Ball Game.

Location: Leesburg, Virginia, United States

I like to think I'm eclectic, but I think that really means lazy. Perhaps I am. I do enjoy reading, lounging on the couch, woodworking, lounging on the couch with a beer, baseball(preferably with a beer), and reading while lounging on the couch. Yeah. Eclectic. See?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Nothing to see here...


If you got here via some of the fine Washington Nationals' blogs, I apologize that there ain't much to read about here. I just don't have the time. I support the entire blog concept. Really, I do...but I don't have the time!!! Please believe me!!! I can't post near as often as I should. Should? I dunno. Could? Would? Whatever.

So I'm sorry. Don't count on me here. But I hope I have some valuable comments to add to the real bloggers out there.
